I got a new digital camera, inspired by all the wonderful pictures on this web site. But then I had to wait for photogenic bread. Then I had to wait for an AC power supply after the wimpy alkaline batteries died.
The bread is very dense - 6 cups rye flour and 3 cups whole wheat. Inexplicably, it also calls for a mere 1/2 teaspoon caraway seeds. I put in about a tablespoon, but I could have added more.
Also, with all that flour, it only makes two loaves. But I like to make mini-loaves because I'm a single person. So I made six mini-loaves, but each one of those was still 12 ounces. I probably should have added some vital gluten.
It is, however, very good.
I was very excited with how well my sourdough starter was doing. I've had bad luck with it, and thought I would finally have a success. I was disappointed when the final dough called for yeast. But that's a lot of rye for a sourdough to handle. So I'll have to look for a sourdough-rising success next time.
- Rosalie's Blog
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Rosalie, how wonderful that we can finally see some of your bread. It looks great! A nice substan tial rye would really hit the spot with me right about now.
Have you tried the Sour Corn Rye - Very tasty - and freezes well - I make it in small loaf pans - use 9oz. of dough for each. Alittle bit ingredient intensive - BUT worth it.
It's no more ingredient intensive than the other recipes. I'll try that soon. Love rye, but I think I've peaked on it for a bit. I have to try something else. I have a lot of grains to play with.
I'm looking at the book, and I just love how each recipe is on a separate page. I hate having to flip a page back and forth with doughy hands.