Eric's rye, sort of


Eric's formula calls for neither a bold bake, nor making a ginormous boule instead of two smaller ovals, but I have been using my immense IMUSA caldera for big miche-like loaves for a while and couldn't resist giving an excellent deli rye a Forkish twist.

This one was baked in the preheated caldera for 27 minutes at 465, then with lid off for another 18 minutes, then I left it sit on the baking stone with the oven door closed (oven off, fan still running) for another 6 minutes or so.

I subbed whole and medium rye for white rye four, and included anise and fennel seeds as well as caraway. Crumb is soft and delicious, crust crunchy-crisp and caramelized.

It is a great recipe large or small!  I like it best at 40% rye.  Well done and happy ginormous baking:-) 

Love the twisting pattern of the cracks and perfect heat all around. Lovely crumb.  Artwork.


I promised the long-suffering Mr Jeano during the darkest days od the rye testing, that as soon as I'd had a break from all that rye I'd make him his favorite rye of all. He makes me leave out the onion water, too, forgot to mention that. He gave grudging approval for the additional spices. I left coriander out as a conciliatory gesture. 

I like the idea of upping the rye percentage to 40%.. It seems to be a very forgiving recipe. It has been excellent with hi gluten and even AP flour instead of first clear, and pretty good with white rye, even though not as flavorful.

Forma Straordinariamente elegante, alveolatura magnifica e cottura impeccabile.

Complimenti Jeano per il risultato.

Grazie della tua condivisione.



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