Hi all ! My name is Sergey (Сергей)
I am from Russia. I live in Western Siberia, in the south of the Tyumen region .
I speak English badly :-) so sorry
не знаю , можно ли писать по-русски ? Английский язык я понимаю , но разговаривать по-английски для меня небольшая проблема :-)
Ia niznau kto sdes panimaet ruski shtobi tebe itvetit. Is sam is grisii i panimau ruski no sdes isnavnom angliski
Your English is fantastic…..much better than my Russian. Welcome to TFL….you will find a marvelously diverse group of bread bakers here. We look forward to learning about your baking. Are you a professional baker or a home baker?
Thanks :-)
Home baker :-)
Google Translate makes us all speak the same in any language:-) Welome an
Happy baking
Thank you !
I use Firefox Mozilla , this browser add-ons have to be translated into English
Welcome...I actually know where it is that you live Sergey ..did not have to look it up...