Baguette: I love Bouabsa's baguette. Should I try Gosselin's?


Newly registered, though I've been lurking long enough to bake the Rustic Loaf twice and David's iteration of Bouabsa's baguette 3 times all in about 3 weeks.  Each time is better w the baguette.... but I'm waiting for a lid to completely cover my loaves so the first 10 minutes of steam cannot escape. 

Seems like people aren't crazy about the Gosselin (a la Reinhart) recipe for baguette.  WOndering if I should try or just stick w the Bouabsa which everyone in my family loves (served 3 of them and the Rustic for the holidays).

Thanks for reading.


Funny, I actually prefer the Gosselin baguette.  Even more so when I consider it is easier to make.  However, I haven't made it 'a la Reinhart' for years.  I more closely follow the true Gosselin method.



Oh, if it's easier, I'll do it.  How do you mean you more closely follow true Gosselin method? No yeast or salt in the initial mix? Do you stretch and fold, knead?  Thanks again.



Exactly, just flour and 70% water initially; refrigerated overnight.  Then, in the morning, add the salt/ yeast, and another 5% water, and mix- on my spiral mixer, about 4-5 minutes.  Stretch and fold three times or so over the first 90 minutes.  The dough should have some strength but not too much- enough to hold it's shape when shaped.  It could work just as well without the mixer but you would need to increase the stretch and fold, probably 6 or more.



give David's recipe for San Joaquin a go as baguettes instead of batards. - By far.... my favorite tasting baguette.

The Gosselin baguettes have the best flavor of any yeasted baguette I have made. See the link below for the "original" Gosselin formula. However, my go to baguette is the San Joaquin Sourdough Baguette. Link to formula, below. You can make the SJ SD as mild or as sour as you choose to. If you make it according to the method I have recommended, it is mildly sour and has a nice, complex flavor. 

The Gosselin formula is much closer in flavor to the traditional Parisian baguette, if that's what you are after.

San Joaquin Sourdough Baguettes

Philippe Gosselin's Baguettes

Happy baking!


Thanks David,

My next venture is your iteration of Gosselin (I had already bookmarked the link), only with 450 gm KA French style Flour and 50 gm of either rye or whole wheat.  Your postings are always amazing to me.  Thanks for your generosity in sharing so much.


David, I bookmarked the SJSD also. Will likely try it using the levain that's less 'mature'. Thanks so much



In you SJSD baguette, your levain has 17 gm of liquid starter. What's your formula for that? Thanks


Here is my routine:

Taking care of mother

I keep my "mother starter" in the refrigerator. It is fed at a ratio of 1:2:4 (Starter:Water:Flour). When feeding the mother, I mix 50 g starter, 100 g water and 200 g flour to make 350 g total. This is refrigerated imediately after mixing. I refresh the mother every 2 to 3 weeks. The flour feeding is a mix of 70% AP, 20% WW and 10% Medium or whole rye.

Getting active

When preparing to make bread, I generally refresh the starter as a liquid starter at a ratio of 20:50:50 (Mother starter:Water:Flour) using the same flour mix described above. This is fermented to peak activity at room temperature (generally about 12 hours). 

This refreshed liquid starter is then fed again according to the specific formula I am following. In other words, the degree of hydration, the flour mix, the ratio of levain:water:starter and the fermentation time and temperature are variable.  When posting a formula, I specify these variables.

For the SJSD, I use my refreshed starter as the "seed" for the liquid levain.


P.S. Please do share your results!

I am keeping those figures.  Thanks so much.

I wanted to post pics of my baguettes, but failed miserably now 4x. Cannot figure out how to do it.


How did Mother Starter get started? No pun intended.