Pasta machines recommendations


Hi people.

I live in Israel, and looking to buy a pasta machine for thr first time.

Available in stores and internet websites shipping to my area are two brands, Marcato and Imperia.

Can anyone give a strong recommendation for any of those?

The Imperia is a bit pricier than the Marcato, and it has two different types, Cllasic (again pricier) and Titanina. Anyone familiar with the diffrences?

Thanks ahead for anoyne trying to help.

Hi, I have an Imperia Classic...excellent. .others seem to be much lighter, and don't last...make sure you flour regularly, and don't ever get it wet, or it rusts apparently...

We have the Marcato and used it for many years. We switched to the KitchenAid because it is easier, needs only one person. Manual machines needed three hands to operate: one to feed dough, one to catch cut pasta and one to turn crank. You could buy the electric motor attachment but then one might as well buy the KitchenAid.