The prep schedule got messed up when i had to drop everything and go marketing with a friend. Ended up with the autolysed dough which was slapped and folded about 2 mins on the counter and hurriedly thrown into an oiled bowl, bagged and immediately refrigerated. Came back more than 6 hrs later and started to do the first SF. Left dough on counter and did 2nd SF an hr later then refrigerated again another 3 hrs. Shaped and couched then went into fridge again overnight. Slashed and Baked this morning after 12hrs proof. There is no magic protocol here. Just a play with time and temp. Just shows how forgiving the whole mix can be. The aroma coming from the bake was just so good. Cant wait to savour and to see the interior.
100g starter. 200g water. 200g bread flr. 50gwholewheat. 50g rye
Happy baking everyone. May the fired up ovens keep you warm these wintry days..
- kacy's Blog
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Whatever happened to the schedule, you came up with a winner! Enjoy!
The saying that the fridge is your friend really ame though for you. Tough to beat the 1:2:3 for ease and results. Well done and happy baking
Tq DA. You are always most encouraging. Us novices need that extra boost... also goes to TFL and all their comments. Such generosity in sharing.