Hi! I'm Mark in Vienna, Virginia. I got interested in bread baking after reading Michael Pollan's "Cooked" - certainly one of the most influential books I have read (which also got me started fermenting). My interest is in baking whole grains with sourdough starter. I've been trying since June. I travel a lot for work so have not been able to bake as often as I would have liked, but I have done a lot of reading about baking on the planes. I can make a successful commercial yeasted loaf of bread, but this isn't what I'm after. I clearly need to get a much better feel for timing of bulk fermentation and proofing, although my results so far have been delicious. I'll post a picture of my latest in the challenges section and will hopefully get some useful feedback. : )
Welcome, Mark. Our host is Floyd Mann.
I, too, am hooked on sourdough. Though bread making requires patience, sourdough requires more -- most of the time you are just waiting, not working. Making sourdough is not really any more difficult than making a commercial yeast dough, it just takes longer, and perhaps care to remember that the acid environment of the sourdough is rough on the gluten. Check out Mike Avery's website, http://www.sourdoughhome.com. Also use the search box in the upper right hand corner of this page to get information. If you cannot find the answer to your question, by all means ask us. We will give you answers, sometimes conflicting ones.
Many thanks Ford!
Yup, that's what got me interested, too.