Behold my new Hobart KitchenAid K45. My sister-in-law snagged it for $15! It.came with two bowls, splash guard, and three attachments. And yes, it works!
The box says it's made by Hobart in Greenville Ohio. The cord is two pronged. I'm guessing this is mid-60s but would love to know if there's a way to confirm that.
WHAT, ONLY $15!? You lucky duck!
Was is at a garage sale of something like that?
My sister-in-law is a genius rummage sale shopper. Sadly, it was supposed to include the grinder attachment but she couldn't locate it.
She also picked up a pair of huge 14K gold earrings for $1.
The original poster of the thread had a very similar situation to yours, and the conversation that ensued was fairly interesting:
Search the net (using your favorite search engine, e.g., Google) for Onesharpstore. Call them to ask your question. They've helped me with a very old machine in the past and may be able to answer your questions and even get you parts. They were very friendly when I called them in the past.
good to know about Onesharpstore. The machine seems to be in fine working condition but I haven't put it through the paces yet. It's packed up and is heading to a cabin we're building in Idaho. It will go nicely with my 1959 GE double oven range.