Has anyone here repaired their Bosch Universal Plus on their own?

Profile picture for user pmiker

My Bosch drained a smoothie down the tower.  This mixer is not under warrently since I bought it via Craigslist.  Should I just consider it trashed?  I'm not sure how to clean out the electric motor if it is gummed up.

When I opened it, cleaned what I could, checked and cleaned the brushes and tried to put it all back together.  It appears to work.  I now notice that the bowl shaft has around 1/4" freeplay.  By that I mean the dough hook can be moved a bit without the motor running.  It may have always been this way, I don't remember.  It also seems a bit noisy but I don't know if it's different than before.  I'll probably test it on the weekend.  I will not be using the blender attachment!

Update:  It works now.  The motor seems to have a higher pitch but I ran a test batch through it with 38 ounces of dough.  I tried speeds one, two and three without a problem.  Off and on I ran it for about ten minutes without a problem.  The dough looked nice and the bread baked well.

I do not plan to open this thing up again.  It is a bear to put back together.  But at least I didn't need the duct tape.