Phoenix Pizzeria Bianco Visit

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We were counting down the days that we could come back to Phoenix, AZ.  One of the hi-lights of our last trip in May was Pizzeria Bianco.  This place has been heralded as having the best pizza in North America.  The jury may still be out on that one, but it sure blew our minds.  We also picked up a baguette from their bakery location, Pane Bianco.  I have to say, I am not a fan of this baguette.  Nice chew and crumb structure, but the flavour is more towards an Italian style (go figure) of bread - no nuttiness and a bit on the salty side.  The french style is more to my taste.  Couldn't help but add in a shot of some Albacore Tuna from our favourite Japanese restaurant in Mesa, AZ.  3 strikes and I'm out on the neighbour's 'Prickly Pear' fruit.  I have a suspicion it isn't actually Prickly Pear.  Even though it looks as ripe as it can get, it tastes sour and salty.  Nothing like spitting out purple all over a white sink.

been hinting all week she wanted to go to Bianco's for pizza.  So far we haven.t made it there.  The pizza place and the bakery are huge supporters of locally grown grains, along with Hayden Mills so the flour in the baguette might be a different combination that you are used to,  Sure looks good though.   Might have farro (in this case they are growing spelt), Desert Durum Semolina and Sonoran White in it, 

Those are prickly pears fruits for sure but they do'lt look quite ripe enough for my taste and are pretty thin - not the fat and deeply purple ones i like.  Yours look a little pale in the purple.  No one would eat them raw as they are way more sour and salty than sweet.  They should be soft like a pear.  You peal them, chop then up (huge amount of hard small seeds), boil them down with water mashing them with a potato masher until you can separate the seeds out with a sieve without losing the pulp,  Then you add sugar and bit of lemon juice and cook them down to a jam.   makes great jam and sauce for unique margaritas .  Love Serranos in the jam too.

Enjoy AZ and hope it doesn't rain but at least the temperature is in teh low 90's in the afternoon now.