Overnight Country Blonde Levain (FWSY)


Had a dinner party this weekend and wanted to make Forkish's Overnight Country Blonde to cut up for an appetizer. I didn't schedule accordingly—whoops!—and ended up making Forkish's 80% biga instead. (I threw in some olives during the folding process for good measure.) Since I already started the dough for Overnight Country Blonde, I proceeded to close it up on Sunday, after the fact, but it's OK; I'm now graced with a boule for dinner tonight.

It's about 95F this weekend in Southern California, so I had to adjust the schedule.

1. Mixed active starter for the levain at 11 pm on Friday night
2. Autolyse flour and water at around 9 am Saturday morning
3. Mixed levain with autolysed flour at 10 am Saturday morning
4. Let the mixed dough rise (with about three instances of folding closer to the beginning of the rise) until around 4 pm, when I shaped the dough for the banneton.
5. Threw the banneton into the fridge. Baked at noon today.

The result is the photo!

Thanks go to dmsnyder and David Esq. for their tips on understanding starter vs. levain. I'm getting a better hang of this.

Profile picture for user Edo Bread

Really great looking bread. That method seems to do the trick.

Profile picture for user Kiseger

looks fantastic, beautiful crust with those bubbles as well!  The crumb looks just right, my idea of a perfect crumb to smother the bread with good stuff, that harissa is calling to be eaten!  I also usually just bake stright from the fridge, no warming up on the counter, works just fine for me And agree that it does help develop flavour.