I absolutely love my egg. This is only the second time I've baked bread in the egg and I'm pleased with the outcome.
I got the egg because I liked the idea of making/baking the bread in a more "natural`manner and I haven`t got up the energy to build a full blown wood-fired brick oven.`
I put the bread on when the temperature reads 520 F and bake it for about 23 - 27 minutes depending on the size. I take the loaf out when the internal temperature is over 202 F.
I have one question! Why is there localized burning on the bottom It`s almost as though one particular area of the pizza stone gets hot enough to char the bread. I will try baking at a lower temp next time and see what happens.
Are you using a platesetter with your pizza stone? We have an Egg and before we started using the platesetter we found that pretty much everything cooked too hot on the bottom.
Thank you for responding.
Yes! I'm using the platesetter (legs down) with the grill on top of it with a pizza stone on the grill. As I'm writing I'm thinking maybe excess heat is being transfered through the grill into the stone and charring the bread. Perhaps platesetter with legs up and pizza stone on the legs will be a better bet. Otherwise lowering the temp? What do you think?
I'm so glad to have found this thread. My husband has an Egg and I was wondering if one can bake bread in a Dutch oven in the Egg?
Although I've never tried it, I don't see why it can't be done. At the same time, I'm not sure of any advantage to using a dutch oven in an an egg vs using one in a regular oven/range. I believe the purpose of the Dutch Oven is to contain the steam from the raw loaf and create a humid environment which limits the drying of the breads exterior to allow for greater freedom to expand during the initial bake. That being said I can appreciate the satisfaction of being outside with my egg baking bread using any technique... I'm sure it will turn out as good if not better as if baked in a kitchen oven. keep me posted.
Platesetter in with legs up. Regular grate on top of the legs. GX grill extender on top of the regular grate, which adds 3" of elevation. Pizza stone on top of grill extender. Large stainless steel mixing bowl that fits on top of the pizza stone . Parchment paper on top of the pizza stone.
I start the cook with the dome temp at 550 degrees with the daisy wheel on. Before I put the dough on the pizza stone I score it and spritz it with lots of water. I put the dough on then I put the stainless steel bowl over the top of it... That creates lots of steam inside the bowl, which allows the bread to maximize rise oven rise. I let it bake under the bowl for 20 minutes. I take the bowl off, remove the daisy wheel ans close the bottom vent to reduce the heat to 465 degrees. From there I peer through the top opening and cook to color. Yes... Cook to color - NOT to temp! I prefer my sourdough darker than you can get at the supermarket. I like some singe on my ears. I like the blisters to be prominate.
Know this... When baking bread or pizza on your BGE the magic is 3 things... Airflow, airflow and airflow. By elevating you pizza stone 3" above your plate setter legs you have created a situation where the airflow goes up around the plate setter and the elevated pizza stone and just kisses the bread as it flows up towards the top vent... No direct heat to the pizza stone so you won't burn the bottom of your loaf.
I baked over a 100 loaves with this setup and technique and i've never had a loaf with a dark bottom.
Great suggestion. I will try it next week, maybe we'll fresh egg-baked bread with the bird for supper on the 25'th. I will post some pics of the breads using this method. I'm going to start playing around with some sprouted grains and flour.
Once again thank you for the suggestion.
BGE... Bread set up https://www.flickr.com/photos/food_pictures/16053494885/ Top view during baking... https://www.flickr.com/photos/food_pictures/16053492545/ Ciabatta bread... https://www.flickr.com/photos/food_pictures/15849157737/ Results... https://www.flickr.com/photos/food_pictures/15866211010/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/food_pictures/15849156117/