Today's Bake - Country Levain

Profile picture for user amberartisan

Today I baked my standard country levain using my typical formula:

  • 85% AP
  • 15% WW
  • 82.5% Water
  • 19% 50%WW-50%AP-60%Water-50%Fresh Inoculant Levain - 4 hours @27C. 
  • 2.25% Salt (Amounts to 2% after figuring in the starter - may try reducing eventually along with .5-1% water)

Autolyze 1 hour. Add Levain (cut up) and Salt, Mix until the levain no longer feels chunky. DDT 27C.

Bulk ferment for 3.5 hours, with 5 folds every 30 minutes. Your time may vary, its been as low as 3 hours and as high as 4.25. 

Preshape round. Bench 30 minutes. The small loaves were scaled to 500g, the large ones to 850g. 

Shape oblong or round. I used the SFBI's method shown in the Type 70 Formula for Oblongs, Chad's book method for rounds.

Retard 12 hours @45F. Bake with steam @480F, until a rich brown color.

Large LevainsLarge levains- Scaled to 850g. Crosshatch Scored Boules and Bâtard with Single Score.

Small LevainsSmall Levains - Scaled to 500g. Scored several different patterns.

Submitted to YeastSpotting.


PS I am getting a Washington State Cottage Foods Permit! You can check out my website at .