Leasing bakery equipment



Hoping to open a bakery shop in the future, do you think is it better to lease bakery equipment or not?

Hello, whereabout are you planning to open the bakery. I am curious to know how did you arrive to wanting to open a bakery. Also, interested to learn about the market you are in. Obviously not to open one myself, but the thought process behind your choice.


Used equipment would be my choice, it's just a process of figuring out the range of equipment that's suitable for your planed operation, then do your homework, compare new prices and the supply of used items coming up. Many peoples small business dreams go bust and good barely used items come up at a fraction of thier original price. It's also important to consider how far you are prepared to drive to view and pick up the items, the cost of rental vans etc. The electrical requirements must also be considered. If you do your homework well, you will be in the position to confidently pounce on the good items as the come up.

best wishes with your bakery endeavour 

cheers daniel

What equipment does one need to start up a bakery? The OP said "bakery shop" so let's assume it's a retail bakery.

1. Oven

2. Mixer

3. Cash register

4 Display case(s)

5. Sheet pans

6. Bakery rack(s)

7. Safe (for keepnig cash)

8. Fire extinguisher


I worked at a firm near London few years ago therefore I had the opportunity to make savings. My wife gave me the idea, a bakery shop in Kensington would be great but we are still looking for the best place. Any suggestions of good places?

Thanks for your advices Daniel, be sure I will take them into account.


It is an organization of small to medium sized bakeries and artisan bakers many of whom started as serious home bakers.  They have a membership only searchable message board where questions like this are discussed every day. It is a wealth of information for the aspiring professional baker.