The Finnish Rye that isn't.

Profile picture for user BobS

This is my second take on the SBFI Finnish Rye. Didn't get so much spring on the first take, but it was tasty and seemed pretty popular. I only got one slice out of two loaves.

This time I focused on a little more gluten development, mixing for about 8 minutes, then adding the soakers and mixing for another 3-4. Bulk ferment was 3 hours with three folds, final proof about an hour both at 78F. Also added a couple of Tbs of vital gluten to the mix. The dough is pretty sticky stuff; wet hands help.

Baked at 20 minutes @ 460 with steam, then another 20 @ 460 without. We'll see what it looks like inside tomorrow.


Funny. I just thawed my last loaf of this bread this morning and made a sandwich with smoked turkey breast for lunch. Good stuff. Looking forward to seeing the crumb and your tasting impressions.


Here's the inside:

Finnish Rye Crumb

Taste-wise, I think it's a pretty good, but not my favorite. Reasonably complex flavor profile, nice chewy crust. The the molasses comes through just a bit much for me (and I like molasses); even a couple of days after the bake. It's popular here so I will continue to make it. Maybe next time I'll reduce the molasses or try barley malt syrup.