Prosumer Spiral Mixer


Hi everyone,

I am looking for a small single phase spiral mixer and would love some advice. Currently I am trying to decide between two mixers, one has a breaking bar and one doesn't and they are both single speed. How big does a mixer need to be in order for a breaking bar to be necessary?  In what situation do you only use first speed on a larger spiral mixers? Would one speed be enough? I am mixing half whole wheat (or more) high hydration dough. If you have experience with these mixers or any other mixers in their class, please let me know. Also, if you own one of these and can shoot a little video of it at work, especially the German one, that would be GREAT.

Here are the links.

Italian Avancini 44lb Spiral Dough Mixer 1-speed/1phase

  • 44 Lb of dough
  • Breaking bar
  • Fixed bowl and spiral…

German SP 20 KA Dough Kneading Machine

  • 40 lb of dough
  • No breaking bar
  • Removable bowl and spiral

Thanks so much,


Also see

I have a SP-5 without the breaker bar.  I use it mainly for bagel dough. I found my mixer without the breaker bar is ok for lower hydration dough, high hydration dough I have to help it along more so.  So I think the breaker bar could help in that situation.

Most of my high hydration dough I just mix by hand in big tubs (75%) and fold fold fold.

One other item, when mixing in items after the dough has come together, the spiral mixer can do it, the planetary can not.  So one bread I do is cranberry - walnut.  On the planetary the cranberries and walnuts are added in just after the flour and it starts to come together.  On my spiral, I add then in the last minute of the mix.
