I had a lot of problem recently with my levain miches after changing my regular flour brand for an other.
All my bread were overproofed. The proofing time seems to have changed with the new flour and I have to rely on the poke test to find the sweet spot where proofing is just right.
The problem is it's difficult to judge the result of the poke test just from reading about it. Could someone direct me to a good video showing how far to poke and how much spring back I should expect from the proofed dough ?
I hope this link will help you quit a bit.
Here is the link:
Thank you for the link
I have a miche retarding in the fridge right now I will try the poke test again tomorrow at different intervale to get the same spring back descrive in the Forkish video
Thanks for the link!
I have a miche retarding in the fridge right now. I will do the poke test every 30 minutes tomorrow after getting out to get the same feeling Forkish describe in his video
wish me luck
lol… thanks David for the correction, no wonder the link looks kind of funny to me. Regs Nora
Thank you for giving us that link! I watched it myself. It is very informative. I'm sure anyone who wanted to watch that video could have figured it out for themselves, and normally I'm not the kind to correct someone's post. But I figured it would be easier for people to keep one foot in the door on TFL while watching the video if the link was active.