Effect of room temperature when shaping?


I can't for the life of me get any google results on the effect of room temperature on shaping the loaf.

So does anyone have a link to some info on this?

The reason why I'm asking is because I was making 4 small boule's tonight, and when I got to the 4th, cut from the same dough, it was incredibly sticky, and impossible to shape, even after shaping and reshaping 3 times. I realised that the small kitchen was quite warm from the oven being on for so long, and thought that might have been the problem.

I just thought I'd read up on it a bit, and see if that could be the reason :)

You know.. After thinking about it, I kind of came to the same conclusion, and realised I had had a brainfart. Of course, if anything, the problem would be the actual dough's temperature, which would probably also have been raised from being IN the room while it got warmer... Doh...