Bordelaise, nothing special, surprisingly heavy, probably over-mixed. Good for soup.
Husband preferred Field Blend # 1( in the back) , less bitter than T3, but thought both were very good. There is a little more wheat in the T3, might be the difference.
At least I didn't chuck any to the birds :)
I am envying your oven spring! I was looking at the photos on your other post too and you have some nice slashing going on. There is great satisfaction in a bake where the birds don't get any! Frustrating as it can be when things go wrong, it is so, so good when you know you have made some progress. It is interesting to compare the differences in the three breads.
I can't tell you how thrilled I was to uncover a real loaf, this time :)
Believe me, I know the feeling! I feel like a very slow learner! When you get some loaves turn out like that, it spurs you on.