Mostly Sourdough Brioches
Total weight: about 1600 g
3-build starter: 250 g @ 65% hydration
All flours: 732 g (100%), which breaks down as follows:
- 348 g unbleached bread flour
- 232 g unbleached all purpose flour
+ 152 g in starter
15 g sea salt (2%)
353 g eggs (48%)
100 g sugar (14%)
303 g unsalted butter (42%)
3 g fresh yeast (0.4%)
25 g flavours (alcohol: eau de vie & orange blossom water)
This part is not important. Calculated for fun.
All liquids: 497 g (68%), which breaks down roughly as follows:
- eggs water content: 229 g (total eggs input: 353 g in the form of 3 whole eggs + 2 egg yolks)
- butter water content: 50 g
- milk: 95 g (not part of the formula, but was added in panic mode - will explain below)
- flavours: 25 g
+ 98 g filtered water in starter
Mixing was done in two stages, using a Bosch Compact. One big mistake: I forgot to remove about 20% of the dough flours for the second mixing. Thus when the first mixing turned out on the dry side, I quickly added some milk to prevent the formation of lumps in the dough. That turned out all right. So maybe I will include milk in the formula next time, or better still some cream.
Using the whisk, eggs are beaten & the 250 g of starter is broken into pieces and gradually added to the mix. Everything is mixed to a smooth consistency.
The whisk is removed & replaced with the dough hook. All the dough flours was added and mixed (here I should have used only roughly 80% of the flours, keeping the rest for the second mix. Naturally the mix was crumbly and that's when I added some milk to help the dough come together.)
That dough is transferred in a loosely covered bowl and allowed to ferment for about 4 hours at room temperature (next time, I would put it inside the lit oven instead for a somewhat higher ambiant temperature, about 28º C)
Fresh yeast is mixed with a little warm water & a tiny bit of the sugar. (Water not accounted for in the formula.)
In another bowl, butter and sugar are creamed and put aside.
Flavours are weighed and put aside.
The first dough is transferred in the mixing bowl. Using the dough hook, the fresh yeast mixture is added and incorporated in the dough. (speed is at level 1)
Gradually, over the next 15 minutes or so, the creamed butter and sugar is added to the dough in spoonfuls. Each spoonful is allowed to be fairly well incorporated in the dough before the next one is added. (Speed is at level 1)
Speed is switched to level 2 and the dough mixed for about 5 minutes. During that stage, the flavours are added.
Dough is transferred to a clean bowl & allowed to ferment overnight in cooler at about + 10º C.
The next day, the dough is transferred to the working board and while still cold, is patted down to a rectangle and folded. That is done three times, at 10 minutes interval. The 1st time is a bit hard, but it gets better as the dough starts to warm up. At some point, it is possible to use a rolling pin to flatten the dough before folding.
Next came the divide and weighing part. This dough was divided into two, one for the brioche pan (which went to a friend) and a smaller portion for the loaf tin for us.
Both went into the lit oven for 8 hours to rise and then baked at 180ºC for about 45 minutes.
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Beautiful, your Brioche looks like a Bundt. What size baking tin did you use; I take it that's powdered sugar on top, can you process your own with the Compact? Thanks.
Thanks, andychrist! And yes, for the round one I did use a Bundt pan that I got from a thrift store. So I don't know the brand. It has a 26 cm (10 in) diameter & is approximately 8.5 cm (3 in) high. As for the sugar, it is simply a sprinkle of icing sugar. I would not be able to process sugar with the Compact. I only have the mixing stuff, nothing else.
It just occurred to me that you might be asking about the sugar in the 2nd pic. In case that is, it's a rather long story. I did not intend to have this although it tastes nice. What I did was make a syrup using water, sugar, eau de vie, orange blossom water & some vanilla essence. I planned to brush the brioche from the loaf pan with it and then sprinkle some turbinado sugar on top. What happened is that the syrup was so thick, it crystallized on top of the brioche into those whitish stuff you see. Live and learn, as they say. Seen from the top, it's not very nice looking but, as I said, it tastes nice.
Thanks for your detailed response, Mostly, and no, I did not mistake those huge crystals for confectionary sugar! But I think they look great... though I did at first assume they were the rock salt you mentioned in the ingredients.
You know, there are two smaller sizes of Bundt pans available in stores, they come in six and a twelve cake varieties. But if yours are really old then they wouldn't have that terrible non-stick coating that everything sticks to.
I just began attempting yeast cakes in my 12 Fluted Muffins pans, and was wondering whether I could translate them somehow into a sourdough. Hope you don't mind if I swipe your recipe.
Sorry about the sugar question. I wasn't sure. For the Bundt pan, I don't know what kind of coating mine has. Nothing has stuck to it thus far. I hope it stays that way. As for the recipe, by all means. The more the merrier. Plus more experience gained on all sides, I think. Just note if you work with that recipe that that thing really rises. The dough tripled with me. So you need to allow enough room for that to happen without creating a mess. As well, I borrowed some of the method from a site on panettone. The bakers there specifically mentioned to keep everything working around +28º F: starter, dough, butter, etc and the proofing of course. I look forward to hearing about your experience.
Hey I was just trying to make a funny about the sugar but this forum did not reproduce my crazed wink emoticon (hence all those posting errors — sorry, mods!) Again, I really like that look. Always like to decorate my mini Bundts but regular granulated sugar is too fine to show up well, will have to try your "mistake."
Yeah I just learned the hard way about doughs over-rising. Tried baking a three pounder SD rye in a medium Romertopf, there should have been enough room even with the lid on but... well, you guessed the rest. Am too ashamed to post that one here. :(
Next time I whip up a batch of volcanoes I'll try your method. Thanks for the ref to the panettone people. Was drooling over those chocolate devils.