Hello, folks



I have just discovered this site and I'm looking forward to learning how to get around and becoming a better baker.

I'm 65 and I live in Southern California.  I baked my first loaf of bread about 45 years ago.  It was probably 10-15 years ago that I used my first preferment and got really excited about making my own bread.

It's amazing to me to see how much the technology and methods of bread making have changed.  On the other hand, I have a lot of stuff to un-learn before I can move forward.  I mean I came from the use-a-whole-packet-of-yeast and rise-punch down-shape-rise-bake traditions and I've only just begun to appreciate their short comings and how much there is that I don't even know I don't know.  

I look forward to "meeting" you, learning from you and the adventure ahead!  Let the fun begin!

bread the same way you did and i think most folks, at our young age, have a similar experience which means we jiust know more ways to make bread than even younger folks :-)

Happy Baking

::giggle:: Maybe.  Let's face it, it's hard to think of anything that has as many variations as bread.  And we do accumulate some experience along with the years.  But then there's that old saying about old dogs and young tricks.  I guess I'll get to the point of un-learning what I have to and mastering a new trick here and there.  It's just harder this way, ya know.  ;>

Nice to meet you!