Suggestions for wood fired bakeries in Napa Valley

Profile picture for user mdvpc

My wife and I are spending 3 nights in Yountville before I go to the SFBI course in January.  Any suggestions for wood fired bakeries in or around Yountville or Napa?

... but close

In Sonoma County we have WildFlour Bakery in Freestone. Check their hours, though.

Also Mike Zakowski (2012 Coupe Du Monde silver) is at the Sonoma Farmers market, but info is sketchy so probably you should call or email him.

Its out near Chico which is a bit out of your way but for bread totally worth it.  He only bakes for the farmers market one day a week but maybe you could check it out.  



Ponsford's Place is from Napa but I've heard great things.  They too are only open a couple days a week so you'd have to check in.  You are in Yountville which has Bouchon Bakery, Bistro, and the French Laundry.  I'm not thrilled bout Bouchon breads but some of the pastry is just amazing.  

