Great News!!! Doing the Rye Bread Book for WW Norton

Profile picture for user Elagins

hi all,

To those who've been following and abetting my baking adventures lo, these many years (ITJB test bakers, supporters, boosters, et al.), thank you. The news now is that I've just gotten a contract from WW Norton (editor: Maria Guarnaschelli), to write the definitive rye bread book (title TBD). We're looking at about 350 pages, 80-100 recipes from all over Europe and North America for breads that, with a few exceptions, contain no less than 50% rye. I'll be publishing some of those recipes from time to time on my blog, NYBakers Bench. I'll keep everyone posted.

As the MS takes shape, I'll be needing test bakers and pre-publication yet again, so keep an eye out for that announcement as well. I'm privileged to be a member of this community.

Stan Ginsberg

That's great, Stan.  Congratulations!  Something for us all to look forward to. :)

I am just learning to like rye, so I will add this book to my wish list.

Hello Stan,
Congratulations! - your new book sounds tremendously interesting!
I'd be grateful for the opportunity to help test recipes, if you are needing people to assist.
Thank you for your consideration, and best wishes to you for this project!
:^) breadsong

It's also cool that there is enough of an interest in rye for a book like this.

I love ITJB, looking forward to the next.

Lucy loves the rye bread =- especially the pumpernickel.

Happy baking, writing about it and getting paid :-)

Have a great New Year.

Being at home and with a less intense work schedule than I had when ITJB was in development, I think I can keep up with things.

Good to hear of the new venture, Stan.


Hope we will have the opportunity to pre-order autographed copies!  Best of luck with your research and writing.  Embth

And if I'm still able to sit up and take nourishment you can count me for test baking.  Coincidentally, rye breads are my latest learning path.

David G


I've been playing around with a formula for a deli style rye that I remember from my childhood in the 50's (Trenton NJ area) and found that KA's First Clear Flour gets me fairly close.


Profile picture for user thebreadfairy

Just what I have been waiting for. Will be happy to be a tester.
