Stretched/Pulled Chinese Noodles

I know that this is not baking but there are essential gluten formation similarities that i want to know more about. Has anyone tried to make Chinese noodles by the stretch or pull  method?

The dough is 2 cups flour and one cup of water ... mix thoroughly and let sit for 60 minutes.

The key is that you stretch, twist and fold, stretch, twist and fold the dough until the gluten works up enough so that you can begin the process of making the noodles. You make the noodles then by stretching the dough and folding the ends toghether (two strands), grab both ends and again stretch and fold the ends together (4 strands) and keep doing this until you have done it 10 or 11 times (2 to the n-1 power, strands). As you make the strands you flour the dough before each stretch so the strands do not stick together.

I am curious about how one knows when to stop building gluten and to start making the strands (I know, I know, as my son always tells me about shaping bread ... do a few thousand loaves and then you will begin to understand).

One can see this in action by the pros by searching YouTube under "making chinese noodles" or look at

Any advice appreciate.





I should have done a search on the site before I posted, not after. And it was such a recent post too.  Sorry. 


Paul Kobulnicky

Baking in Ohio