Hello from the Boogie Down Bronx!!!

Profile picture for user BellaNY32

Hi, my name is Bella

I am  newbie to bread making BUT have been so, so successful. I began baking at home for health reasons. I have lupus and noticed that every time I ate bread made by machines I would have not so nice reactions. I cannot live with bread so I began making it. In the beginning my bread was so dense and tacky, I kept working at it. Until I found a recipe that works for our home!

I have done a simple French bread, baguette, tons of simple white loafs, seeded simple white loafs, croissants, tortillas, bagels and fougasse.

Next Brioche, Hallah, Rye and Sour dough.

My goal...to be able to make a nice artisan bread.

Cant wait!
