Success at last. A new technique for forming the rolls by flattening the dough in a pasta machine and then rolling them up under tension like a spring has at last given me the hollow interiors that I have been trying to get for the past 4 years.
See the recipe and technique on my Facebook page: Click on the pictures to follow the recipe and instructions:
Sweet! Looks brilliant. Well done.
Can't see the recipe on the link provided. Just pictures.
EDIT: Ok I see instructions with each picture opened up. Any chance you can post the formula here. I know these breads use a biga with most of the total flour.
Ingredients are on the first picture but I will repeat them here. In any case, it's the classic rosetta recipe, indirect method, 16-20hr biga, 52% final hydration. I use Gold Medal bread flour with good results.
800g of bread flour ( I use Gold Medal)
350g of water @75 degrees F.
1 tsp instant yeast
Final Mix:
All the biga (18hr fermentation)
80g bread flour
1 tbsp Diastatic Malt Powder
108g refrigerated H2O
1 tbsp fine salt
That formula looks just as I was expecting it to.
Sorry. Sometimes I need to be spoon-fed these things. Thanks
and what do you stuff in them? I can think of all kinds of fillings!
-not to mention a cheese liner-
That is so cool!
A bread geode. Cool!
Is that pattern cutting think necessary to create the big hole in the middle?
Yes, it creates weak areas so the gluten can break when it expands enough, which makes the big cavity. At least this is what I have read.
. . . that there isn't some kind of sorcery going on here :-)
I've never seen anything like that before. Thanks for sharing! I'm curious to try it myself.
The two critical components in terms of technique are getting a tight roll that is under tension and lots of steam in the first 5 minutes of baking.
Don't skimp on the biga fermentation either. It's important to have a dough which is both elastic and extensible.
Those are awesome. Well done!
What is the rolling technique after they are flattened? Rolling like a hotdog? Or like rolling into a ball? And then is there a proof time or do they go right into a hot, steamy oven?
This is something I want to try to replicate.
French fry cutter and isn't that an apple slicer/corer? We are going to play in the kitchen now!
Wowwee! didn't have to go into zero gravity to do it!
Took me a while to find the directions but ... ever try cutting using the pill box?
Based on the previous questions, I have made some notes on the batch I made today and also updated the recipe.
1. I fold the doughball 6 times when rolling it out. Four times on the long side and two times on the short side to make a long narrow ribbon.
2. I stretch the ribbon out about 24-28 inches before I roll it up. It should be about 3cm wide after it is stretched.