Finding a source of paper bags has been a challenge for me, here in my small town. No grocery store here sells anything larger than the small sandwich bags - all the rest are plastic.
These paper sandwich bags are just big enough for a small pan loaf, but nothing else.
I happened to gaze into the section of garbage bags while shopping and found packages of medium-sized paper bags meant to line kitchen green bins (compost bins). They are biodegradable and have have a compostable bio-plastic (starch?) liner inside (easily removed if necessary, but can be left in and re-used).
They are the perfect size for medium-large loaves and boules. I tried one on my latest loaf and it worked fine.
Just a suggestion for readers looking for a solution.
For my fellow Ontarians, the LCBO uses a nice mid-sized bag for wines and spirits when you buy several bottles. I may have to up my alcohol content, however, to keep up with the number of loaves I bake!