SFBI January Course

Profile picture for user mdvpc

I have finally pretty much retired, and am baking more.  I am going to the Systematic Approach to Breads January 2014 5 day course at the San Francisco Baking Institute.  My wife and I are staying the first few days at the Inn at Oyster Point, which is pretty close to the school.  I am interested in knowing if anyone has stayed there?  Also, any restaurant recommendations close to the hotel would be appreciated.  Lastly, any tips about the course would also be appreciated.


Don Pico for Mexican comida in San Bruno and the Basque Community Center in South San Francisco. The BCC once had only a fixed menu and seated all-comers at banquet tables "family style." Today seating is in the more usual restaurant plan and a diverse a la carte menu supplements the rotating six menú fixé. Our first time there two of us had the latter and two ordered a la carte. Tastes were shared; everything was good but all agreed that BCC's strength was in the traditional fixed menu of the day (closed Mondays). Menus online. Bon appetit!

Congratulations on "pretty much" retirement and on taking the SFBI course. You're taking Artisan I, I assume? I think the best preparation is being comfortable with baker's math. It's a terrific experience. Enjoy it.

We really like the Vietnamese restaurant in South SF - Ven Tre (sp?).

I didn't know about the Basque restaurant. I'll have to try it out. We usually stay in one of the hotels on Oyster Point when we go to SF. 



They changed the name of Artisan I to Systematic Approach.  I am really looking forward to the course.  They seem like real nice folks.  

Thanks for the restaurant recommendation.


I am in the middle of the class, its Wednesday.  I am so impressed with the course.  We have focused on baguettes the first two days, along with classroom instruction.  We baked 20 baguettes the first two days.  Lots of hands-on and personal instruction.  Very positive reinforcement.  Mac is instructing the course, and he is really good. I really recommend this course!