Skibum's Sochi onion buns

Profile picture for user Skibum

This bake was based loosely on Norm's onion buns recipe and hey, the way the buns lined up in the Lodge cast cooker looked somewhat like the Olympic logo. I soaked 2 Tbs dehydrated onion and 1 tsp dehydrated garlic in boiled water until reconstituted, then used the resulting water for the mix and the onion and garlic for topping mixing salt and oil as per nbicomputers - I think. I used about 20% white levain, forgot to add the egg, but used lots of malt syrup and sugar . . . The house smelled amazing when these were baking, covered in the Lodge CC for 10 @ 450, then another 12 @ 425 convection, turning. Great crisp crunch to the crust! and really nice flavour!!  Just a schmear of butter is good when warm, but these are calling out for smoked meat, grainy mustard and Rene's garlic ceasar dressing!

I forgot to add fresh rosemary and sauteed garlic on this bake. Oh well next time. . . 

Happy baking, cooking and eating TFLoafers!

If you have guests coming over these are the rolls to put in front of them  The whole house smells of onion when they bake as you found out first hand,  Well done Ski

These are great looking buns.  How clever that they are the Olympic Symbol too :)

Norm's onion rolls are one of my favorite to bake due to how wonderful the dough turns out and the aroma the baking imparts our house.  I have also added the onion mixture into the main dough to get an onion bead which I add rye to - another great tweak.  Endless possibilities.  Now I have to add them to my 'to bake' list!  It has been awhile since I made them.

Thanks for the reminder!
Take Care,


These are mighty tasty buns and the smell when baking almost want to make me bake these daily! Well perhaps I could bake them daily and set up with the kids at the local lemonade stand and sell my Olympic onion buns . . .   ;-)

The thought of those with smoked meaty has me dreaming of smoked meats on those beauties!  Nicely done!


Warm regards,


the flank steak for my soon to be home smoked pastrami. These are worth a try just to smell them baking! Regards, Brian

Great looking rolls.  I have made similar ones and I love adding onion to rolls and just about anything for that matter!


I love your version of Norm's  Onion rolls.  It's been awhile since I've made any.  I will have to try your version

next go.  I love how attractive they look.  What a tasty presentation along with any meal.  Just looking at them

makes you want to pull one apart and butter it up for big bite.  

At first I had a hard time finding the dried onions I liked, each brand tasted different.  I finally settled on

dehydrating my own organic onions for a nice sized batch and full of flavor. I did find one organic brand in

Jimbo's that was tasty but very expensive for just a tiny bag.

Adding the water from the soaked onions has been suggested for even more flavor.


What a great idea! I have just been buying mine bulk from the health food store but your post just reminded me that my new stove has a dehydrate function. Here I go again . . .

Thanks for your kind words!. These are mighty tasty -- great recipe.  Brian

Lookin' real good, Brian. I hope you redo these rolls with the omitted ingredients (eggs, rosemary, garlic). I'd like to see/know how they compare... but I've a feeling both would be delicious!

Happy baking,


. . . to go with my onion buns:

Most recipes call for roasting the squash and carrots, but I thought I would go one better and smoked the veggies in my second favourite cooking toy, my electric smoker for one hour with applewood. OH MY! Does that little kiss of smoke EVER do wonders for the flavours! 

dabrownman has got me going down the slippery slope and there is no helping me now . . .

Anyhow, I fed my starter today Zita ans will be sure to share the results of the buns with the extra ingredients. I will start another batch in the morning. I am loving the flavours!

Happy eating folks! Brian