Take 2 of Karin's challenge loaf almost ended in disaster, but turned out well. I made more or less half of her Friesisches Schwartbrot recipe:
I halved the flour amounts but reduced the seeds to 20 grams each of flaxseed, sesame and pumpkin seed. I had a skibum moment of in attentiveness when toasting the toadies and nearly burnt them black. I caught it in time, but the seeds toasted quite dark brown. The resulting loaf tasted almost toasted fresh cut -- quite a pleasing flavour.
Also added to the mix was 11/2 tsp kosher sale, 2 Tbs malt syrup and 1 Tbs honey. Did I mention a very nice tasting loaf?
I think I will make this 'mistake' part of the process for this bread! I am loving this bread with stinky cheese and stone fruit -- thanks dab! I also goes very nicely with smoked chicken breast and the smoked bacon, (store bought) placed on top the breasts while smoking. Awesome flavour and texture! So thanks again Karin for your idea of this challenge! It has introduced me to a new style of bread AND sandwich. My only trouble is I find a couple of glasses of red wine really help wash all of this down -- at lunch . . . Okay, today's lunch was after 2 pm and it was certainly after 5 somewhere . . .
This bread also pairs well with home smoked steelhead trout:
A special shout out to dabrownman for the inspiration of getting a smoker. I could not be happier with the results! Anyhow I have about 1,260 grams of pork belly in your maple cure for 2 days now and a brisket on order . . .
This whole business of baking bread and smoking food is WAY TOO MUCH FUN! It is a mighty tasty path as well!
Happy baking and GREAT eating!
Smokin' Skibum . . .
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Nice mistake....looks and sounds great.
I love smoking food too...have not done the bacon yet so can't wait to see how yours comes out.
I don't have your level of creativity when it comes to ingredients, but I sure am moving to the 'dark side.' Your loaf is on my list to bake. My only problem is finding all of the ingredients, but I will bake with what I can find. Great looking bread, once again!
Regards, Brian
Thank you too Brian. Look forward to see what you come up with.
Very, very nice bake. (I'm actually salivating.)
Hearty and nutritious bread, paired with smoked meats? That's an automatic thumbs up from me.
This is perhaps the tastiest loaf I have ever baked!
Hi Brian,
I am glad to see you are sticking with the 'dark side' though I kinda knew you would once you discovered how easy these loaves are to do. Directions just make them look complicated.
You have discovered what I have discovered. This formula can be tweaked in a million and one ways and still turn out tasty :) Yours looks very tasty indeed!
Thanks for posting your #2!
Take Care,
This challenge has been a very positive education for me and tasty to boot!
a little dark because they just get more toady as a result and the more toady the better in my book - especially for the whole grain dark breads we like so much. Now when you go back and bake a white bread it will be even more special. Aything that is 50% white bread or more is a white bread in our book but even they like to be toaded up some too.
Love the fish. Not that there is any left over but, a little cream cheese and a piece of toasted dark bread and you have near heave on earth in my book. Now we need to get you hooked up with some home made pate maison to go with that dark bread and smoked fish.
The bacon will be done in 4 days. Don't forget to wash it and soak it real good before you let it get some patina uncovered in the fridge overnight. Then a light coating of maple syrup and some black pepper right before you smoke it. Maple cured Canadian smoked bacon is really good too - but being from Canada you know that, With Thanksgiving next weekend you can try your hand at a smoked turkey - on of the best ways to celebrate that great tradition with family and friends.
There is no hope for you now. Fowl, fish, belly and brisket is all it takes to ruin a good cook forever :-) Way to go Ski!