Today's overnight country blonde pancake . . .

Profile picture for user Skibum

Well I got delayed on my shopping today and this is a great example of an over proofed loaf.  It was ready to bake when I got home, but the oven and DO were cold, call this one 45 minutes over proofed.  It was the blob upon removing it from the plastic proofing bowl. The seam was totally sealed despite proofing in 4 layers of linen, so I scored and it was nearly impossible to get a clean cut -- WAY over proofed! I need to get off of my wallet and get a wicker banneton.

I love the flavour profile of this Forkish bread and well the crust and crumb didn't turn out shabby:

I will give this one another go and pay closer attention to my proofing. Ken recommends 4 folds, 3 in the first 11/2 hours or so and another later. I found the dough @ 78% hydration very slack and somewhat lacking in development. I did the s&f's in the bowl with a wet hand as he recs in this book. I am somewhat tempted to do a couple of more folds, but will hold off on that change until I bake at the perfect proof stage. Not all of my bakes go perfectly, but hey I am just an old skibum . . .

Regards, Brian

dough is that it actually tastes better to be when baked, the crumb is usually pretty nice too - glossy and open.  The color may be a little light and the loaf may be a little flat but, if it taste good then It was a success - just like this one.  These make the very best bruchetta .when made on the grill.  Everyone will tell you how it is the best bruschettta they have ever had :-)  No worries and happy baking Ski



hi, Ski, I have been working on a couple of Forkish's recipes too. I tried overnight brown, and it was not strong enough and overproofed. I tried field blend 2 and tried to be more careful. Still overproofed because my fridge was full and my front oorch not cold enough yet. I decided that, like you, i will do more stretch and folds next time, and shorten fridge time. like Dab says, the flavor is great! Have you tried the pizza dough? I love how it handles, but the flavor is too mild, perhaps that is the nature of caputo 00 flour. The baking instructions work great for my humble oven. I need to keep it in for another minute or two. Good luck with your next try. run4bread, a furloughed Fed. ( so I get to bake!)