Firstly my name is Nils and I currently live in the UK I'm 17 and about to finish college next year (high school in America I suppose). I've been interested in cooking since a very young age and particularly artisan bread since I was about 14, for the past 3 years I've been reading about and baking bread and I love it. Coming to my point, I've decided to take a gap year and something I really want to do is pursue this combining it with traveling. Now obviously I can't expect to become a master baker in a year and it's quite insulting to the craft to assume that I could. I was hoping still for a way for even just a year to train or learn in some way. I had an idea to move to San Francisco as I would like to live in America at some point and the artisan baking movement seems to be at large there (SFBI seemed an option), If any of you could suggest any things I could get involved in, or places to go anywhere in America to learn about bread that would honestly be fantastic.
Thanks very much, Nils