Firepit bricks

Profile picture for user clearlyanidiot

When I was at the hardware store, to pick up some pullys for motorizing my Country Living mill, I noticed that they carry precast firepit bricks.

Could I use that type of brick to build a quick and dirty outdoor oven?

A friend of mine made a simular oven, only they used cement paving bricks. They haven't used it much, but I don't think it would last very long if they did.

I agree that I wouldn't want to use painted metal around an oven I intend to eat out of. 

I went back to the hardware store and priced out the building costs. $300 and the bricks are just landscaping bricks. The salesperson said to expect them to crack and flake with prolonged use; Not really something I'd want to find a chunk of when biting into a piece of pizza or fresh loaf.