High Gluten flour



i've been ordering Sir Lancelot flour from KA as my high-gluten flour, but just to branch out does anyone have another brand that they recommend, or maybe a website or store (like Whole Foods) that you know carries it? 

I also have a box of Hodgon Mills gluten and am wondering does anyone know if i can just add that to bread flour and how much to add to get the equivalent to Sir Lancelot flour?




Do you have a local "Sam's Club"? I've been told that their "Primo Gusto " flour is comparable to "Bouncer" protein(gluten) around 14%.

 I don't use it everyday, but I do use high gluten flour for my pizza dough and my Bialys


Two wrongs don't make a right. Three lefts make a right

That's the stuff I use, usually for about 33% of the flour in my loaf to give it a bit of fluff, and more when I'm doing pizza dough or flatbread.  Can't beat a 50 lb bag for about $9.