Walk past any college laboratory and you could probably identify the subject at hand by the smell.
The chemistry lab reeks of chlorine and sulfur, the biology lab sends off whiffs of formaldehyde, and even the botany lab smells earthy, fruity, and sometimes sweet.
But never have such wonderful odors come from a lab until you pass something called the Bread Lab!
A cross between all three – the chemistry, biology, botany labs – the Bread Lab at Washington State University, Mount Vernon, is the culmination of a dream for Dr. Stephen Jones, plant breeder and professor.
In western Washington we are seeing more organic farmers growing grain as part of their crop rotation, more millers who grind the grain to flour, and more more skilled artisan bakers turning out dense, nutrient-rich breads.
The Bread Lab is more than a research facility, it is a group seeking out and connecting all those links. So who IS The Mad Baker in the Bread Lab?
Gail N-KGoodFood World