Vermont - Sourdough woodfired oven bakeries


Hi Fresh Loafers!

I am travelling to Vermont.  I am wondering in anyone had any tips on good sourdough wood fired oven bakeries in the Burlington or Montpelier areas.

I hope there is someone who can help me out!



I live in Burlington, VT -- there is no shortage of great bakeries in the Burlington and Montpelier areas, for example Red Hen Baking Company (, O Bread Bakery (, Bread and Butter Farm ( and Slowfire Bakery ( just to name a few.

...and I definitely second the idea of visiting KAF in Norwich.

Depending on where you're staying and what your plans are, I'd also highly recommend going to the Farmer's Market (Burlington's is on Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., where you could visit the stalls of a lot of local bakeries in one shot.  :)


I thought they were asking for WFO bakeries - those are few and far between and I would think the bare minimum for someone looking for breads made by bakers the old fashioned but true artisan way.

That old stone oven must be a monster to get fired :-)  Can't Imagine JH working where there wasn't a WFO to make bread in - and he has 2 of them!  Do their bread classes like the rye one Varda recently went to use the WFO?  I didn't even know that the bakery had WFO bread.