

are really hard. Wow. Just attempted them. Maybe I shouldn't have tried something challenging with my first ever effort at a poolish, too. They aren't baked yet, but they look pretty terrible. I added extra flour to the dough and it was still ridiculously soft and wet. I was using the poolish baguette formula from Hamelmn's "Bread". I think I will have to give it another go...but now I am even more apprehensive than before.

In happier news, I made a really delicious semolina sesame sourdough the other day. The dog got to it before I could take any photos but I am making it again sometime this week. 

with all her helpful advice and inspirations, your apprentice really gives a lot in baking process. It's only fitting that she would want to taste the fruits of all her labors! My "apprentice" just adds a few furs and a stumbling block in the middle of the kitchen! ;)

Baguettes are hard to perfect. But if you try hard enough , they can be perfected.

Good thing i have no apprentices :)


Actually, I have 4 apprentices! But only two are very committed to the process. The dog is described above, and she is mostly a hindrance to the baking process. The cat knows to stay out of the bakers way when there is dough involved, but he is among my most enthusiastic taste testers!