Artisan Bread School

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Carl Shavitz, Director of the Artisan Bread School will be offering two 5 day courses in Anchorage, Kentucky.  The first 5 days course is Sunday, August 18th through Thursday, August 22nd.  The second 5 day course begins Tuesday, August 27th through Saturday, August 31st.  You can find more information and apply at his website

I took the course last year and absolutely loved it.  I highly recommend it. 


I took Carl's class in 2010 (Olympia, WA) and again in 2012 (Tuscany)...The second time I took the class had the same syllabus, but I took the class because it was in Tuscany (played hooky in Florence), and it was great seeing Carl again - he's very inspiring!  

Two of the students in the 2010 have their own bakeries. The students who are a couple in 2012, I think are seriously looking at starting a bread business. 

After taking the class, I feel  I can tackle any bread recipe. The hands-on experience is the  best way to learn to bake bread. Learning by watching and doing. You will learn to make the best focaccia ever.

Highly recommend the course in KY.  Not in Tuscany. Too distracting to be near Florence and Chianti region!