Hello from N. Lincolnshire (UK)


Hello - I have just started to hand bake now that I have more time (have been using a bread machine for many years). Have found the site very helpful so far and have printed some of the recipes and the drawings of the stretch and fold method of kneading. So much more flavour in my breads now with the preferments, rye flour and so on. Going to try to make some baguettes using a preferment today/tomorrow (recipe from Jane Mason's book that I was given for Christmas)... will let you know how I get on.

I buy my flours from a local windmill that grinds organic grains - wheat, spelt and rye to name just a few.



Certainly is! Love to bake and my husband is an enthusiastic taster - so a good pair...

The baguettes tasted OK but the dough spread outwards rather than up - I can see that moulds may be the way forward. Still they have all been eaten, so will continue to practice.