Oh Dear Bread and Beer ---



So, we brewed a batch of Black IPA beer this weekend.  Here's a picture of our setup. My husband had the wort chiller in the beer kettle on the stove, a bucket of water and ice on top of the fridge draining into the wort chiller via a hose and a hose output from the wort chiller to the sink.  It worked perfectly, all gravity fed.  The beer is fermenting for about a week and then will be decanted left to rest for another week in the carboy and then on to bottling. 

I saved off the spent grain from the brew (some 8 cups of grain) in one cup portions to make spent grain bread as my next adventure.

half as good as your bread, you might niot get sober enough in about 3 weeks to make bread :-)

Happy beer making

Thanks DA.  The beer is bubbling away.  Yesterday, it blew it's airlock top so we needed to resort to a tube from the top of the carboy lid to a gallon bottle of water beside it so as not to spray hops and beer all over the place.  It's a very active beer, bubbling away.  The challenge is going to be keeping the carboy temperature in the 60s to low 70s here as the temperatures are rising this week as summer approaches.


and why ales are so popular here - too hot for lagers and too hot in the summer for ales too.  It really has to be frantic to blow an air lock.   Make sure to save some barm for that spent grain bread ..... just to make it feel more comfy :-) 

I didn't even think about saving the leavings once we bottle the beer. 

 Mixed up a loaf of spent grain bread this morning.  It's bulk fermenting right now.  Smells great with all the leftover grain in it and is very dark in color.  I used a dark rye for the wild yeast starter and followed PR's recipe in Whole Grain Breads.  I toyed with the idea of adding ground roasted spices (equal parts anise, fennel, caraway and coriander) but decided against it this go around, maybe next time.