I am looking at the Deli rye bread in Reinhart's BBA with great interest. However the other half of the household does not like sourdough and a fermenting sourdough starter in the refrigerator would not go over well.
King Arthur flour has a deli rye flavoring which has the acetic and lactic acid necessary to provide that deli flavor. So I am trying to figure out how to change Reinhart's BBA starter from a barm to a starter with yeast. Does anyone have suggestions on the amounts necessary.
Just an idea because I have never done it with that formula but he has a book titled Whole Grain Breads and in it he uses 2 pre-ferments. One is a biga which uses .1% IY that is then put into the refrig. overnight. The remainer of the IY goes into the final dough which is added the next morning. I believe that the total amount of yeast in the fomula is 1.5% of the total flour used.
(The 2 pre-ferments each contain 44% of the total flour. The biga gets 33% of the recipes water and the soaker gets all the rest of the water in the formula. The soaker gets a bit of salt (.02%) and the biga gets the IY (1%). They are then left to sit for about 12 hours prior to being mixed into the final dough).
Using this method you won't need the sd.
If you have a library close by it would probably help to see this written out fully.
Good Luck :-)