Black & Decker Bread machines


I had a Black and Decker 1-1/2 - 2 pound bread machine for 13 years.  It made great bread and people even asked if this was actually a bread machine recipe, no matter what kind I made.

 I could not find replacement parts so I purchased their newer model that only does 1-1/2 pound loaves.The recipe included is SADLY lacking.  I have not had a good loaf yet.

I would like 2 basic recipes:    white bread and whole wheat bread.

Nothing fancy, please, just dependable recipes.

I enjoyed reading the bread machine book discussions, and I do thank you for those.

I like adding nuts, dried apricots, etc., if anyone has a basic recipe that these things can be added to.  

Thanks for all the interesting articles and help over the years.

I have the 1 lb Zo mini and it also makes great loaves.  Most 1.5 lb recipes just fit.  I don't bake any white loaves so can't help with that, but use a great 100% whole wheat recipe minimally modified from Washburn and Butt's 300 Best Canadian Bread Machine Recipes.  Highly recommend the book if you have a 1.5 lb machine.   It has lots of recipes with fruits and nuts but they all do seem to vary from the basic recipes in more than just the fruit and nut additions. 

1 1/3 cup water

1 tbsp honey

2 tbsp EVOO

2 3/4 cup whole wheat flour

1 1/4 tsp salt

1/4 cup skim milk powder

1/2 cup cracked wheat (keep away from liquid)

3/4 tsp instant yeast

I have great success with this on light crust setting with overnight timer to hydrate the flour, just make sure the cracked wheat stays dry on top until time to knead.   Recipe is designed for Canadian flour, which should be equivalent to something like KAF. 

Hope your machine does as well with this as mine does... I do think the machine has as much to do with it as the recipe when it comes to bread machines.  Have lots of great 50% whole wheat recipes too. 




Thanks, I will try it tomorrow.

I have been told Canadian flour is equivalent to US bread flour.  Can anyone verifiy that?

Today I am trying some whole wheat/bread flour mix with Craisins and walnuts.