Chicago Drop-in Bread Clinic


Please join us for our first Bread Clinic. As we Chicago Amateur Bread Bakers begin our third year together, we're longing to try something new... so we're going to experiment with a Bread Clinic. We invite all Chicago-area bread bakers to join us.

What: Drop-in Bread Clinic.

Where: Starbucks on the southeast corner of Jackson and Wabash, in the Loop neighborhood of Chicago (Illinois, USA).

When: Wednesday, March 13, 5:30-7:00pm

The clinic is free. Please budget for the cost of your refreshments at Starbucks.


Stop by the Bread Clinic for a few minutes, or stay for the whole hour and a half. Come to ask advice, offer advice, or both. Come to receive focussed, one-on-one help with a bread-baking problem, or to simply listen and see what you can learn. Come to socialize with other bread bakers in Chicago. We look forward to some in-depth discussions and interesting conversations.

You're welcome to let us know you're coming, but it's not required. Drop-ins are welcome and encouraged.

(Unlike our other events to-date, it's not a requirement to bake bread and bring it to this event. If you do bring bread you've baked, we'll be happy to touch it, smell it, and analyze its crust and crumb, but we won't be tasting at this event.)