Quick Dinner Rolls

Profile picture for user Wingnut

I made some quick sourdough dinner rolls for my stew last night, I know there is a little bit of yeast in it so not a "true" sourdough but tasty.

And I got my starter a new home for being so nice to me.



I made another batch with 2 T of Arugala Walnut pesto added, me likey.

What a nice home for your sourdough starter, Wingnut!  I'm sure it appreciates it.  What time is dinner?  Those rolls look fantastic, almost challah-like.  Yum.  Enjoy-- great baking.

We ran out of whole wheat sandwich bread this afternoon, so I'm busy putting together a loaf from Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Baking.  Trying out some organic Sonora Whole Wheat Flour from our local vegie farmer who also occasionally grows wheat.  I'm just using a bit of it (about 1 cup) in this loaf to see how/if it behaves when mixed with home milled hard red winter wheat.


it is quick down and dirty, no grams just cups and spoons, sorry.

1/2 c Starter (mine is around 75%)

3/4 c warm milk (I use 2%)

2 T melted butter (plus a little more to brush ontop after baking)

1 T Light Brown Sugar

1/4 t instant yeast ( I know, I know)

1 t. Kosher Salt

As Needed: KAAP Flour

Disolve sugar in warm milk, sprinkle yeast ontop to bloom, once bloomed add melted butter and add to mixing bowl. Stir in starter then enough flour to make a thick pancake like batter, cover and let sit 20 minutes. Add salt, stir in, then start adding flour until you a workable dough, looser is better, but should still hold a shape. Cover let double-ish for about 30 minutes. Divide into 8 pieces, roll (will be a little sticky) and put into greased pan, cover and proof until doubled, bake at 425F for 25-30 minutes, brush lightly with butter, srinkle with a little kosher salt if you want, let "cool" in pan for 10 minutes and serve.





Who cares if it has some instant yeast when it has arugula pesto too - or even plain for that matter when they look that good !!!

Nice baking.

and I will not tell my starters about the pretty glass house yours moved into. They just have to live with their old yogurt containers, and I don't want to hear any complaints!


I was just thinking the same thing, Karin.  It shamed me into making an earnest effort to find something similarly attractive for my starters rather than banged-up plastic Glad containers. 


but I have this "thing" for jelly glasses (1/2 pint canning jars).  All the different shapes and sizes really give me a kick, so now I get to use them for my starters - they are not just for jelly and jam anymore.

Thanks for the grear roll recipe too!  It is on the to-bake list!

Profile picture for user Wingnut

Too kind you ladies are, much obliged for the kind words. I figure tis the one thing that gives me no lip back and has yet to let me down, twas the least I could do for me kind starter.

