Looking for advice of various topics.
1) i am a home baker but sell quite a few loaves to coworkers, etc. each week. (about 12) I can only bake three loaves at a time. I find that, even though i am putting some of the formed loaves in the fridge to try and slow their fermentation, by the time it is their turn in the oven, they are over-proofed. any suggestions?
2)being that i can only bake three loaves at a time, i am also having difficultly with consistancy in the finished product. some look great, others not so much.
3) and last, i am just not happy with the outcome of my loaves. they don't seem to have much spring to them. they rarely have good height (in my opinion) and hardly ever expand into their cuts. they just aren't very pretty. suggestions? i do the sylvia steam method. and all of my recipes come from Hamelman's BREAD book.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. here are a few photos of today's bake.
Hi babybirdbreads,
I would suggest you divide your dough into 2 or 3 different mixes. You can stagger when each will be ready by either making some that are colder than the ohers, or by reducing the yeast in some.
As regards the other areas of advice, I think you probably just need to hone in on one particular formula and practice until you have perfected it. If you are baking this regularly, you should be able to improve your skills quite quickly that way.
Best wishes