Hi all,
Where can I find a recipe making big holes bread (Ciabatta) in bread machine.
I found following recipe;
Ciabatta with bread machine
The process consists of 3 steps;
- fermenting the biga over night
- mixing all remaining ingredients and biga
- baking.
Are there other recipes which after adding all ingredients in the bread machine and pressing the button the machine will do job itself.
First thing you need to do is get a scale. It is nearly impossible to achieve consistent success with bread making using volumetric ingredients measurement. Next thing I noticed is that the recipe you're trying to use seems to make an attempt at achieving a hydration level of about 80% but if you're using volumetric measurements that's very difficult to achieve. There are other factors to consider, including how much you work the dough but if you start with just these changes you'll begin to move closer to your goal.
It's very easy to over process dough using a bread machine so don't mix your dough longer than necessary and be sure to use the stretch and fold method in handling your dough at each stage of fermentation.
Thanks for your advice.
I use weight measurement for dry ingredients from the first day when I started making breads. For liquid ingredients I also try using weight measurement as far as possible converting the liquid volume to weight.
The dough program of my Kenwood BM450 bread machine is as follow;knead 1 (slow kneading) 3 min
knead 2 (rapid kneading) 27 min
rise 60 min
Total 1 hr 30 min.
knead 1 (slow kneading) 2 minknead 2 (rapid kneading) 10
rise (until nearly doubled in mass)stretch and foldrise once more (but not quite to double)stretch and foldshaperise once more to doubled in massbake
Total time - forget about the clock; read the dough.If you aren't comfortable with the third rise, omit the second.And use the bread machine only for mixing, not for baking.
Ciabatta is a bread made as the tutorial describes. It needs long rises, a very wet dough, and it is shaped into fairly flat logs and baked at high temperature. Your bread machine is designed to make sandwich loaves. They take much shorter rises, a drier dough, and are loaf shaped. You certainly can't get a bread machine to bake something that looks like ciabatta all by itself (the shape alone would be weird). You probably can't get your bread machine to do any more than the recipe you posted suggests.
Easy Ciabatta
one loaf size
From the bread machine.
7 fluid ozs. water
1/2 tablespoon olive oil
2 cups bread flour
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon instant yeast
Add ingredients according to BM instructions
Use the dough-cycle. Will be a wet dough.
Let dough sit an extra 20-30 minutes in BM.
Dump out the dough onto a floured surface.
It should be very loose/wobbly.
Sprinkle dough with flour.
Form ciabatta shape by pushing dough around and down
or using 2 dough cutters. Do not stretch or kneed dough.
Dimple dough by pushing with finger tips.
Remove any large bubbles.
Lift with dough cutters and place on a piece of floured parchment paper.
You may have to reshape the dough a bit and re-dimple it.
Let sit covered for 30 minutes.
Have oven preheated to 425.
Bake on middle shelf for 25 minutes.
I was asked to cook only one loaf of ciabatta tonight
and this is the resulting recipe. When I slice it I’ll post pics.
Perfect rise and I’m sure it will have great holes since all the others I’ve made had great holes.
I need to try it with my sourdough.
Adaped from a recipe off the Internet.
Not sure who wrote it.
An Internet search on below paragraph will bring up original recipe.
"This is a bread machine version of the Italian classic which still bakes in your oven. Though not sour, this bread has the crisp crust and coarse crumb one expects from ciabatta."
Here's what the crumb looks like. Does that look pretty good or what?
Hi Earl,
Thanks for your recipe and advice. I'll try it.
Is there any trick preserving crispy crust overnight? Crust is crisp mediately after baking. But overnight the crust is not crispy anymore.
Cooks Illustrated said the way to keep a crisp bread crust overnight was to stand the bread on its cut end on a counter. According to their tests this maintained a crisp crust and soft interior overnight. Other methods they tried, bread box, paper bag, plastic bag, etc didn't keep the exterior as crisp as just standing the bread on its cut end on a counter overnight. Longer storage requires a plastic bag, etc to keep the bread from totally drying out.
Tried your suggestion, still not crisp overnight
Try putting the bread in a hot oven for a few minutes to recrisp the crust. You can also try storing in a brown paper bag. Doing so, after a couple days the bread dries out.
Hi Earl,
I tried before but the interior also became hard.
By the way how the bakery makes their breads which can remain soft in interior for a week. But the homemake bread become hard in interior after 2 days. Are they adding lot of chemicals?
Yes, usually soft interior with long shelf life means some dough conditioners are being used.
Adding fats or proteins to doughs (milk, eggs, oil, butter, etc) usually increases softness and shelf life. So does using some amount of pre-ferment and/or sourdough.