First loaf and what goes in when the bread comes out....


Hi all - I'm new here.  I just finished a mud oven.  I haven't done anything besides pitas and pizzas so far because I haven't figured a door yet.  But I hope to rig something up and try bread this weekend.  I also wanted to come up with some ideas about what to cook after I bake bread - someone in another forum suggested this site...  On the advice of my neighbor the mud oven expert my oven has a 5-6" insulation layer and will hopefully hold heat for a long time.  W/o a door it stays warm for 24-48 hours.  Any ideas are appreciated.


After baking bread, you can cook anything that you want from roasts, stews, baked meats or vegetables. Since your oven is not insulated you might have to start a small fire to bring up the temperature. You can cook with a fire going or not,  its your choose. Think of it as an oven, nothing more, nothing less.

Thanks!  Actually my oven is very insulated - we put double the 3" that my neighbor used on his large oven.  Here in rural Maine - everything needs insulation!  Anyway I am just learning how to use the oven - but he was very happy at how hot it gets and how cool the outside stays.  

I have been having fun making versions of pita which is the first bread I made on my own as a kid.  I will try some roasted chicken and fall vegetables as soon as I rig up a door.  Right now we are using up all the shop space making some peels.  

Don't let the lack of a door hinter your cooking. The door is  necessary in bread baking and slow cooking, it shouldn't stop you from doing any other cooking.


Thanks Laurentius -

Well my pitas and anything else are going to wait until morning.  Cooler weather/house = much longer rise.  I know that it will taste better but I was waiting impatiently all evening.  I guess tonight's firing will count as preheating for tomorrow am.

ps I had a ggg grandfather or uncle by the same name.