To my friends of all faiths:

Profile picture for user Elagins

L'shanah tovah t'kaseivu!

Happy New Year! May you be inscribed in the Book of Life for a sweet year!

for all, with especially best wishes for those we know and love and bake with, and for those we've yet to meet--

Happy new year to you too, Stan. Lovely swirls! Fascinating how celebrations of different faiths almost always include a bread or a pastry of some kind! Speaking of bread, is this a bread, or a pastry? is it stuffed? looks really yummy.

Shana tova umetuka, briouth, usmachess to you Stan and your family and to all on TFL.

The Challot looked in size and color so much like my mum's was baking, it pinch my heart.


So glad I found your post, Stan--it's been more than hectic with the "kids" and the "grands" converging for the holiday.  Sorry, but the challot got devoured before I could find my camera.  Yours are lovely!  May you and yours be sealed for a good, sweet year!  

With wishes for a year of goodness, of peace for us all!
