Has anyone ever heard of, or know where to get Sunflower flour? I read in Linda Collister's Country Breads of the World that it is common in Austria.
She has some wonderful recipes in her book using this flour and if I can get my hands on some I would like to try them.
Mini Oven, have you ever seen this flour, or tasted bread made with it in Austria?
Here, in many recipes, the addition of nuts (as a flour) and such is done with an electric grater making a very fine and light "flour" not to be confused with chopped nuts or nut butters (what you would get if you milled nuts). Imposible to do on a grating box or by hand. I also use my electric grater to make fluffier bread crumbs. One could come close with a crank grater using the fine hole setting. Yes, it can also be purchased here already grated into a flour. I found it interesting that after googling Sunflower seed flour, there is such a product with much of the oils removed, this could be a by-product of oil pressing but I'm only guessing.
When I grind my own though, I carefully look over the oil or fat content of a non-Austrian recipe and decide if additional fat is needed, the nuts themselves adding a fair amount of oil. Mini Oven
I might try and get some on-line. I am glad you cleared it up for me becuase I might have tried to do it myself and it would have definitely been 'pasty'.