Comments on « Bread Alone »?


I've been trying to track down the bread book that I first encountered way back in college, the book that first got me interested in baking bread, though I was not successful and dropped the interest until recently, some 20 years later! Anyhow, I think I've finally identified it: Bread Alone by Daniel Leader. I think that's the one, but don't know since my library doesn't have a copy and I'm asking them to do an interlibrary loan.

Anyhow, I'd like to know what comments you have about that book. As I remember, Bread Alone was not just a cookbook, but also had a running narrative of the author's bread baking pursuit. Is that correect?  The reviews on Amazon are all over the place. Some say the book is remarkable, others say there are a lot of inaccuracies with the measurments, and a lot of repetition. There are also reivews that say sometimes procedures are missing. One even said the book can be reduced from 300 pags to 50 pages without loss in quality! Yikes! True?

I've tried to do a search specific to "Bread Alone" in the Books subforum, but haven't found a way to do that. I have done a search for the book on this website, but that is website-wide, and I haven't found one entry that alone reviews that book.

I have the book and it was the first serious bread book I owned and used.  I think it is worth having and trying some of his recipes.  I have since read countless other books about bread and love Peter Reinhart's books and highly recommend you try them as well or instead of.  I find have adopted his techniques from Artisan Bread Every Day along with some other techniques picked up on the TFL to make some very tasty and satisfying bread.  I encourage you to try different books and get your motor running again for baking bread until you settle on the technique that fits into your schedule and provides the results you are looking for.  The Bakers Apprentice and Artisan Breads Every Day are 2 of my favorites but you will also see a lot of people loving The Tartine Bread Experience and several other well know books.  I have so many books but the funny thing is I prefer to invent my own concoctions up or try ones from TFL posters.


Good Luck.


I own that book, but have not used it in a number of years. I think the main reason is my "go-to" default book has become Hamelman's Bread. I did like his pain au levain with dried cherries, but I follow my own method for developing levain.

You may have inspired me to take a look at it now, since the book does have a variety of breads. Maybe I will even try thecherry bread tomorrow!

It's a very good book.   Each book (the good ones and some of the bad) has a unique look at the bread world that makes it worthwhile.   You will not be disappointed by Bread Alone.   Remember there is no one book that does it all.


in Bread Alone... I was so impressed with the recipes I went on and ordered a copy for myself and one for my sister. Good book.